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Interesting links
Radio's for sale
Back panel / Rückwand.
Dial drive cord
Main plug
Cable clothed
Tube socket
Several radio & 2 guitar knops
Prijs:on request
Original Philips 2019 mask and new cloth
Prijs: 20€
U.K. Philips 170A/15 ( for parts)
Prijs: 25€ .
New adjustment drive rol .Philips
Prijs: 6 € a.p.
N.o.s. Fine cloth uni 1 A form B
Prijs:20€ per 900cm2
Strong Tensionspring.Schaalkoord trek veertjes
Prijs: 1€ - 0,5€ a.p.
N.o.s. Fine cloth uni 1 B from A
Prijs:20€ per 900cm2
Magic eye binding spring.
Prijs: 0,5€ a.p.
Late 30's cloth.
Prijs: 18€ per 900cm2
Knobs parts Nordmende Super 187 WU
Prijs: On request
Philips 40's cloth
Prijs: 18€ per 900cm2
Speaker board decoratives: name /type plating
Prijs: 2€ a.p.
Shiny Brown Vintage Cloth
Prijs:15€ per 900cm2
Tie unique / exclusieve stropdas
Prijs:45€ .a.p. excl. shippin
How to knot dial-drive-cord
Antenna isolation posts.
Prijs:5 € per set (4 pieces).
( Speaker - ) Transformator philips 535A 536A
UL 41
Prijs: 8 € a.p
N.O.S. Tubes UAF42
Radio dial drive cord white 1 mm
Prijs: 5€ per 5 meter
N.O.S. tubes ECH42 EBC41 EL41
Prijs: 8€
N.O.S. UY 41
Prijs: 12€ a.p
Amroh radio
Radio dial drive cord black 1mm
Prijs:5€ per 5 meter
Philips 2501 wave lenght switch plate. Sold out.
Prijs:2,0€ Sold out
N.O.S. Tubes : UF41 UBC41
Prijs: 4€
N.O.S. Elco 50uF 40 volt
Prijs: 0,70 €
Radio dial drive cord 0,6mm
Prijs: 5€ per 5 meter
Radio drive cord white 0.50mm
Prijs: 5€ per 5 meter.
N.O.S. Tube UCH42
Prijs: 8€
Radio drive cord black 0.50mm
Prijs:5€ per 5 meter
Lever potm. Toonregel-hendel-potmeter
EBL 21
Prijs: 5€ a.p
Knobs Nordmende Super187WU
Radio dial drive cord 0,4mm
Prijs: 5€ per 5 meter
N.O.S tubes: EL41 EF41 EF42
Prijs:Reed the discription.
Radio dail drive cord 1 mm. Cotton cord for 30's 40's radio
Prijs: 5€ per 5 meter.
N.O.S. Tube AZ41
Ant Hum pot. / anti brom potmeters
Prijs: 1€ a.p
Comming up: New 30's Philips speaker cloth
N.O.S. Potentiometer philips 40's
Prijs: 12€ a.p
Backpanel S.N.R. Excelsior 55
Prijs: On request
Potetiometer stand indicator plates
Prijs:1€ per 4 pieces
BX190U dial
Prijs: 35€
Onn/Off switsch button
Prijs: 3€ a.p.
Garrard 45 r.p.m single center
Prijs: 7€ a.p
N.O.S.Little dial disc's
Prijs: 5€ a.p
Philips 30's small logo-badge (13mm)
Prijs: 18€
Push buttons / Druktoetsjes o.a.Philips 990A
Prijs: On request
Philips knob inlay.
Prijs:3€ per inlay.
Logo-badge 40's 50's translucent
Prijs: 7,50€
Speakerboard mask Philips 890A
Prijs: 5€
Waldorp 46A luidspreker glas plaat
Prijs: 80€ a.p.
Philips logobadge 40's
Prijs: 10€ a.p.
Bulb / Schaallampje 4 Volt 0,4 Amp
Prijs: 1€ a.p.
N.O.S. Philips .8097 bulb schaallampjes
Prijs: 1€ a.p.
Logo-badge 30's philips (15mm)
Prijs: 18€ a.p.
Mechanic Eye. Mechanisch oog
Prijs: 25€
N.O.S. Rimlock tube-socket buisvoet
Prijs:8 € a.p.
Philips 938A panel
Prijs:On request
Philips Logo-badge 50's 60 's
Prijs: 8,50€ a.p. Little stock available
Hefboom weerstand/potmeter. Lever pot resistor 50K
Prijs:7€ a.p.
N.O.S. super quallity tubesocket.
Prijs:7€ a.p.
Philips 40's / 50's logo-badge
Prijs: 7,50€ a.p.
Original Philips U-radio creme/white cord-mainplug.
Original Elco's
Prijs: On request
Ceramic tubesocket ( like for AZ 1 )
Prijs:12 a.p
Box several parts
Prijs: 10€
Elco's philips used during the 30's and 40's
Prijs:10€ a,p.
N.o.s. pot. 1 meg+100K + Switch
N.o.s. potm 1Meg.Ohm
N.o.s. Philips dial 695A
N.o.s. Switch
N.o.s. potm. 20K AX2
N.O.S. dial 494A / 554A
N.o.s. potm 20K+356+ switch
N.o.s. Potm. 20K
N.o.s. potm.100k+200k
N.o.s potm.174 100K
N.o.s. Prehpotm. 150K +1243
Prijs:4€ a.p.
19) N.O.S. Potentiometer 200K
Prijs: 5€
53) N.O.S. Potentiometer 470K Lin
Prijs: 5€
N.o.s. potm blok 31/ 2x100K . K1214
N.O.S.dial philips 680A stand.
10) N.O.S. Potentiometer .10K.Lin.
Prijs: 5€
N.O.S. knobs
Prijs: 14€ for this set
60) N.O.S. Potentiometer 50 + 450K + switch 70MM
Prijs: 8€
50) N.O.S. Potentiometer 50+450K
Prijs: 6€
67) N.O.S. Potentiometer 50K Lin + pullswitch.
Prijs: 5€
2 x N.o.s. potm. 250K and pot, 75K
Prijs:20€ a.p.
59) N.O.S. Potentiometer 2K + 1.3M + switch
Prijs: 10€
Mini potm.-switch potm. 50K.
27) N.O.S. Potentiometer 100+200 K.+ push-pull switch
Prijs: 8€ a.p.
49) N.O.S. Potentiometer 50.450K ( Philips B7X63A tone pot.) Sold out
Prijs:Sold out.
26) N.O.S. Potentiometer 200K+100K
Prijs: 5€
Philips 786A Dial
Prijs: 12,50€
66) N.O.S. Potentiometer 47K + push-pull switch
Prijs: 8€
Philips dial original BX493A
Prijs: 13€
Philips spoel / coil WE110 60
Prijs: 5€
Ceramic tube sockets E tube's EL 84 86 etc 9 and 10 pinn's
Prijs:On request
N.O.S. potm. 2 x 1 meg
Prijs: 15€ a.p.
58) N.O.S. Potentiometer 1M + switch
Prijs: 7€
Ceramic tube sockets
Prijs:5€ a.p
N.o.s. Potm. 50K.a 50K.b:
Prijs: 20 a.p.
N.o.s.potm. 100K BX2
Big tubesockets ceramic. SOLD
9) N.O.S. Potentiometer. 2M.Log ( WE36437radio)
Prijs: 7€ a.p.
Tube socket 3 different
Prijs:On request
High-End oliekous / sleeving specials
Prijs:4€ per meter
18) N.O.S. Potentiometer 2.2M
Prijs: 55
Restaration object Philips 470A.
57) N.O.S. Potentiometer 0.5 M Log + switch
Prijs: 7€
65) N.O.S. Potentiometer 50 + 450K + switch: 70 / 60 / 40 / 30mm as
Prijs: 10€
Knobs model " Rickenbacker "
Prijs: 3 € a piece
8) N.O.S. Potentiometer. .200K-M4+1M6.
Prijs:Sold out
17) N.O.S. Potentiometer M2+ M8. ( 200K+800K) SOLD
Instrument knobs
Prijs: 10€ for this set
64) N.O.S. Potentiometer 20K.+ 0,5K+ switch
16) N.O.S. Potentiometer 100K
Prijs: 5€ a.p.
Guitar knobs Tone / Volume type "Gibson "
Prijs:4€ a pair
56) N.O.S. Potentiometer 0.2M + 0.8M Log + Switch
Prijs: 7€
Potmeter 500K veer /spring
Hofner Teisco Kawai knobs
Prijs:On request
oliekous / Oiled Sleeving black
Prijs: 2€ per meter
Amp knobs Marschall
Prijs:On request
High-End Oliekous. Sleeving .
Prijs:3.50€ per meter.
weerstand 23
Prijs:12€ a.p.
weerstand 24
Prijs:10€ a.p.
weerstand 21
Prijs:12€ a.p.
Philips Compass pocket clock radio
Prijs: On request
BX732A schaal / dial
Prijs: 30€ a. p
Philips spoel / coil : A3.114.22.
Prijs: 4€ a.p.
Philips 952A
Prijs:On request.
Bronzegreen 3mm oliekous / sleeving. (extreme strong /aircraft quallity)
Prijs:4€ per meter.
Loewe Opta 782W knobs ,and tone pots
Prijs: 15 €
4) N.o.s. ELCO 50uF + 50uF 350 Volt
Prijs: 18€
N.o.s pot/switch 125 200K
Philips Transistor radio in very good shape: No cracks. Not tested
Prijs: 25€
N.o.s. Potm. switch : 50KAX2 42C / 3NC
Prijs:18€ a.p.
N.o.s.pot. 470K A5 NEGLOG
15) N.O.S. Potentiometer. 50 + 450K
Prijs: 5€
Set little Pushbuttons
48) N.O.S. Potentiomer 10K + 2K2
Prijs: 7€
N.o.s. potm. 5+17K ( 5KO+17KC6)
Prijs:15€ a.p.
Blauwpunkt Sultana knobs / feet
3) N.o.s. ELCO 50uF + 50uF .450 / 450Volt .Sold out
Prijs: Sold out.
55) N.O.S. Potentiometer used for philips pocket-radio L1X75T.
Prijs: 5€
Tesla knob-set
Prijs:8€ for this set
63) N.O.S. Potentiometer M5+ M5. = 0.5M +0.5 M.... Sold
7) N.O.S.Potentiometer. 200K. Log.(Tone B4X72A).
Prijs: 5€
3 knobs
Prijs:On request
1 set braun bladed knobs
1 Set : Sultan knobs
Shiny ,effect cloth.
Prijs:30€ per 900cm2
Mono knob and Chrome plate
Knobs brown several103
Prijs:on request
14) N.O.S. Potentiometer 10K vierkant . 4 edged pot.
Prijs: 8€
2) N.o.s. ELCO 50uF+50uF 350 - 450volt. sold out
Prijs: Sold out
N.o.s.Potm. NOBLE 75 2-11 6602-2
Prijs:15€ a.p.
13) N.O.S. Potentiometer.1M. Several.
Prijs: 6€
62) N.O.S. Potentiometer 250K .Greatz 3112 - 3133.
Prijs: 10€
weerstand 20
Knobs brown several 102
Prijs:on request
6) N.O.S. Potentiometer 50+450K + Schak.Log.40mm.axe.
Prijs: 75 a.p.
54) N.O.S. Potentiometer 100K + 900K ( ErresKY536.) SOLD
Prijs: SOLD
Sharp pocketradio
Prijs: On request
N.o.s.potm. 10K AX2 & switch
Prijs:18€ a.p.
Black resistor 12 Watt. 900 Ohm
Prijs:4.00 euro.
12) N.O.S. Potentiometer. .400K.1M6. +schakelaar / switch. SOLD
61) N.O.S. Potentiometer 200K. Log. ( tone-pot )
Prijs: 5€
Black/White cloth
Prijs:18€ per 900cm2
11) N.O.S. Potentiometer. 100K. long shaft
Prijs: 7€
weerstand 19 SOLD
Prijs:12€ SOLD OUT
Small pot.47K C6 Balans. n.o.s.
N.o.s. Potm 20K AX2
1) N.o.s. ELCO 50uF 350-400 Volt
Prijs: 18€ a.p.
47) N.O.S. Potentiomer 200K +800K. SOLD
Knobs several 101
Prijs:on request
52) N.O.S. Potentiometer 470K + 1M ( Philips EL3516 )
Prijs: 15€
5) N.O.S. Potentiometer . 25K.+ schak.
Prijs: 7€
51) N.O.S. Potentiometer 300K. 300K + switch
Prijs: 5€
31) N.O.S. Potentiomer 100+100+800k. SOLD
Philips 3902 "porteldisk" bottom panel
Prijs:On request.
46) N.O.S. Potentiometer. 1M + 1M
Prijs: 7€
4) N.O.S Potentiometer. 500K. Lin.
Prijs: 5€ a.p
Knöpfe Greatz 164W
Prijs:On request
30) N.O.S. Potentiomer M2 + 1M8 + switch
Prijs: 7€
29) N.O.S. Potentiometer 2M + Switch
Prijs: 7€
45) N.O.S. Potentiometer .500K + switch ( triotrac )
Prijs: 7€
Knobs. several 100
Prijs:On request
44) N.O.S. potentiometer 300K 300K+switch
Prijs: 6€
2) N.O.S. Potentiometer 20k.Lin.
Prijs: 5€ a.p.
Knöpfe Nordmende Fidelio 55 3D
Prijs:On request
43) N.O.S. Potentiometer 10K . 10K + Switch
Prijs: 7€
Knöpfe Siemens RB II
Prijs:on request
3) N.O.S. Potentiometer. P.50+450K+ schak .90mm ax
Prijs: 8€ a.p.
1) N.O.S. Potentiometer P.5K.17K.lang.shaft . Sold out
Prijs: Sold out
42) N.O.S. Potentiometer 100K.Lin.
Prijs: 5€
Knopfe für Tonfunk 286
Prijs:On request
41) N.O.S. Potentiometer. 50 +450K Log plus M4+1M6. Sold out
Prijs: Sold out.
40) N.O.S. Potentiometer. 50+450k Log
Prijs: 7€
39) N.O.S. Potentiometer 1M
Prijs: 5€
Knobs for Wega 205 W & Metz 315
38) N.O.S. Potentiometer .0,5M.
Prijs: 55
37) N.O.S. Potentiomer..M5 + 1M7 SOLD
36) N.O.S. Potentiomer. M4 +1M6. SOLD
Prijs: Sold out.
Knobs Nordmende Carmen 1959
Prijs:On request
35) N.O.S. Potentiomer 30K 15M
Prijs: 5€
34) N.O.S. Potentiometer 1k - M4+M6
Prijs: 7€
Knobset Telefunken Operette 7
Prijs:On request
33) N.O.S. Potentiomer M4 + 1M6 SOLD
Prijs: SOLD
32) N.O.S. Potentiomer 400K+600K
Prijs: 5€
28) N.O.S. Potentiometer 250K
Prijs: 6€
Knobs several 7
Prijs:On request
25) N.O.S. Potentiometer 4K+16K
Prijs: 5€
24) N.O.S. Potentiometer .2M.Lin. / M4 +1M6 Log / 500K Log
Prijs: 7€
Knops several 8
Prijs:On request
23) N.O.S. Potentiometer. 50+450K +Switch
Prijs: 7€
22) N.O.S. Potentiometer. 1M+1M + Switch in the middle !
Prijs: 12€
21) N.O.S. Potentiometer. 0.2+0.2 +1.6. Sold out !
Prijs: Sold out .
Philips knobs small ones
Prijs:on request
N.O.S. Pick-up motor Philips
Prijs: 8€
P.E pick up motor
N.O.S. Pick-up motor 220Volt.
Prijs: 8€
New old stock : BX990 Knoppenset. SOLD
Prijs:Set sold
Kast BX380 / BX381 cabinet
Prijs:25€ Sold
Ekco Radio A22 lever knob. Black.
Prijs:On request
Orion Pocketradio
Prijs: On request
N.O.S. Pick-up motor 220Volt
Prijs: 8€
N.O.S. Recorder Motor Greatz. rec.300
Prijs: 8€
Oliekous / sleeving 2 mm
Prijs:3.50 per meter
Philips 40's wave lenght switch knob
Prijs:7€ a.p.
Weerstand 30. Green ceramic pipe shaped resistors
Prijs:14€ a.p.
Original knobs for Vintage FLOYD amplifiers.
Prijs:40€ per floyd set : 6 pieces
Weerstand 29. N.O.S. Green ceramic resistor
20) N.O.S. Potentiometer 500K
Prijs: 7€
N.O.S. Philips Gram. AG4431W knobs
Prijs:5€ a.p.
weerstand 16
Weerstand 28. N.O.S. Siera 104U Green ceramic resistor
Prijs:10€ a.p.
New Sleeving (pvc) Out of stock .
Prijs:Out of stock..
Knobs Vendomatic
Prijs: 2€ for all
weerstand 18
weerstand 17
Prijs:12€ a.p.
Knopfe TELEFUNKEN Pa Col 734
Prijs: 4€ for all
Weerstand 27. N.O.S. Philps ceramic resistors
Prijs:15€ a.p.
Weerstand 26 . 130/950 Ohm ceramic resisto.r
Prijs:12€ a.p.
How does it work ? Price v.s. cloth measurement. Read this.
weerstand 25
Prijs:12€ a.p.
weerstand 15
weerstand 14
Prijs:14€ a.p.
Knobs little
Prijs: 3€ for all
weerstand 13
weerstand 12
Prijs:13€ a.p.
Knobs allso used at Indisit K.T.V. TC26ES
Prijs: 2€ per set
weerstand 11
weerstand 10
Weerstand 9
Prijs:14€ a.p.
Knobs allso used at Graetz Präfect TV1343
Prijs: 2€ per set
Weerstand 8
Weerstand 7
Knobs several 11
Prijs:on request.
Weerstand 6
Prijs:4€ a.p.
weerstand 5
Knobs several 12
Prijs:On request
Weerstand 4
Prijs:12€ a.p.
N.O.S. knöpfe fur Telefunken "Katzenkopf" 340 W , 340 WL 341 WL ..Sold out
Prijs: Sold out.
Weerstand 3
N.O.S. Telefunken knöpfe 1.
Prijs:4€ a.p.
Weerstand 2
N.O.S. Telefunken knöpfe. 2
Prijs:8€ per set
Motor used for ???
Prijs: 5€
Telefunken katzenkopf hebel-knopf. Fur Telefunken 50 , 340 WL , 341WL , 230W
Prijs:18.50 euro a.p
N.o.s. trafo's Philips
Prijs: 21€ a.p.
Original TELFUNKEN Knöpfe
Prijs:On request
N.o.s. philips u.g.t trafo : 5180. Sold out
Prijs: Sold out
Telefunken radio-fuss.
Prijs: 35.00 euro per set.
N.o.s. Philips trafo : 5185 V398
Prijs: 21€
Knobs several 33
Prijs:On request.
N.o.s Philips trafo : 5186 V523
Knobs several 34
Prijs:On request
N.o.s Philips trafo : 5185 V398
Prijs: 21€
Knobs several 35
Prijs:On request.
N.o.s. Philips trafo : 5180 .Sold out.
Prijs: Sold out
Knobs several 36
Prijs:On request.
N.o.s. Philips trafo : 918/05 3763. Sold out
Prijs: Sold out
Knobs several 37
Prijs:on request.
N.o.s Philips trafo: A9 999 18.0/07. 074PT Sold out
Prijs: Sold out
N.o.s. trafo Philips: A9 999 18.0/05 T258. Sold out
Prijs: Sold out
Cupper cloth " :Ekco "
Prijs:30€ per 30cm x30 cm
Knobs Philips 2534. All Sold
N.o.s Philips trafo : A9 99 18.0/04 T401. Sold out
Prijs: Sold out
N.o.s Philips u.g.t. trafo: 918/09. Sold out
Prijs: Sold out
P.U. Toonzeef / tonefilter
Prijs: 10€ a.p.
Telefunken key / Schlussel fur Telefunken W31 and W40 radio.
Prijs:On request
N.O.S. Knobs ( Loewe.Opta F650)
Prijs: 2€ the set
Philips 2511 sleutel / Key. Little stock available now
Prijs: 15 €
Philetta knob gold plated.
Prijs: Sold out
Philetta knob silver plated
Prijs: Sold out
Roland SH101 modulation grip. sold
Prijs:150€ excl..shippin SOLD.
Philips knob small 30's Tsjech.
Prijs:7.00 euro a.p.
Knob philips 25NN type Sold out
Prijs: Sold Out
Philips knopjes ivoorkleur
Prijs:1.00 euro a.p.
Erres knob for KY483
Prijs:10.00 euro a.p.
Knobs 70's Philips Aristona Erres
Prijs:2.00 euro a.p.
Ringknop 796A philips
Prijs: 18.00 euro a.p.
Philips pijl-knop. Pointer-knob . Sold out
Prijs:Sold out
Silver cloth " :Ekco "
Prijs:30€ per 30x30 cm
Creme Druktoetsjes. Push button's
Prijs:2.50 euro a.p.
Philips BX210 and others knob
Prijs:12.50 euro a.p.
Philips knob 520, 521A Sold out !
Prijs:18.00 euro a.p.
Philips pointer-knobs . n .o.s. 30's 40's
Prijs: 5.00 euro a.p.
Philips n.o.s. small pointer knob
Prijs: 2.00 euro a.p.
Push-button set for Philips B7X63A .
Prijs:70€ per complete set .
Erres / Philips knob black
Prijs: 12.50 € a.p.
Erres / Philips 930A pointerknob
Prijs:13€ a.p.
Erres & Philips 930A knob
Prijs:13€ a.p.
N.O.S. Vork hendel Philips lever
Prijs: 10 euro a.p.
Philips 510A lever-knob . Available again.
N.O.S.Philips lever knob
Prijs:10 € a.p.
Red&bleu 30's speaker cloth
Prijs:12,50€ per 900cm2
Philips BX370 BX373 and BX380 tone lever
Prijs:22 € a.p.
Philips transparant knobs.
Prijs:2.50 euro. a.p.
Creme small tall knob n.o.s.
Prijs:Price : 2.00 euro a.p.
Adjustment knops
Prijs: 6.00 euro per 4 knobs
Tv knobs lot 1
Prijs:2.50 euro per knob
TV knobs lot 2
Prijs:2.50 euro per knob.
Beolit vision 1200 knobs
Prijs: 2€ a.p
TV knobs lot 3
Prijs:2.50 euro per knob.
TV knobs lot 4
Prijs:3.00 euro. a.p.
Philips disc knobs
Prijs:On request
TV knobs lot 5
Prijs:3.00 euro a.p.
T.V. knobs lot 6
Prijs:3.00 euro a.p
T.V. adjustment knobs
Prijs:On request
Keyshaped knobs
Prijs:8€ a.p.
Schijf knop voor o.a. 17TV120U
Prijs:1€ a.p
Knöpfe Siemens TM843- 853
Prijs:1€ a.p.
EL3511 Philips push buttons red
Prijs:2€ a.p.
EL3511 Philips push buttons black
Prijs:2€ a.p.
Cloth Philips BX320;321; 326 etc
Prijs:12€ per 900cm2
Philips EL3511 button
Prijs:2 € a.p.
Knobs several 13
Prijs:On request
Saba Freiburg skala fur Truhe
Cloth "stippel"
Prijs: 12€ per 900cm2
Vintage-brown speakerbox cloth
Prijs: 15€ per 900cm2
Philips 2021 2028 Cloth
Prijs:20€ per 30cmx30cm
N.O.S Philips cloth Camel.
Prijs: 18 euro per 900cm2
Bulb / schaallampje 4 volt 0,4amp
Doek 70's brown / black
Prijs:20€ per 900cm2
Cloth "Kyte" sold out.
Prijs:Sold out
Ekco speaker cloth.
Prijs:20€ per 900cm2
Goldbrown cloth.
Prijs:15,00€ per 900cm2
Cloth: Universal
Prijs:12€ per 900cm2
40's Vintage speaker-cloth "Rhombic"
Prijs:10€ per 900cm2
New starr speaker-cloth "naturel" or "silver"
Prijs:30€ per 30x30 cm
Knobs several 14
Prijs:On request
Knobs several 15 ( mediator )
Prijs:On request
Knobs several 16
Prijs:On request
Knobs several 17
Prijs:On request
New starr speaker-cloth "bruin"
Prijs:30€ per 30cmx30cm
Knobs several 18
Prijs:On request..
New starr speaker-cloth "rood"
Prijs:30€ per 30cmx30cm
Italian Philips 428A 528A radio rurale lll cloth.
Prijs:30€ per 30x30cm
Zenith speaker-cloth : Wave pattern
Prijs:25€ per 900cm2.
Several original 30's Philips dails
Prijs: On request.
Philips 830/930 speaker-cloth "gold"
Prijs:30€ per 30x30cm.
Philips speakers 30's cloth: Clouds
Prijs: 45,00€
Philips wolkendoek coloured
Prijs:33€ per 30cm x 30cm
Philips Wolken-doek naturel
Prijs: 30€. per 30cm x 30cm.
Original Phlips round early 30's dials
Prijs: On request
Philips 636A 634A coloured cloth
Prijs: 33€ per 30cm x 30cm.
Philips 636A cloth "naturel"
Prijs:30€ per 30cmx30cm
Philips 830A gold cloth
Prijs: 30€ per 30cm x 30cm.
Tesla 612A schaal / dial
Philips 525A 535A cloth
Prijs: 30€ (30cm x 30cm)
Cloth 33 gold.
Prijs: 30€ a piece 29cm x 35cm.
2109 speaker-cloth
Prijs: 18€ >25€ depending on the age look you want
Tesla 420A . To repair or for parts
Philips 2011 2009 2115 2119 cloth.
Prijs: 15€ > 20€
Philips 2019 cloth Different colours deliverable !
Prijs: 12€ per 30cm x 30cm
Gold cloth 30's
Prijs: 30€ per 30cm x 30cm.
Gold cloth stone
Prijs: 30€ (30x30cm)
BX290U afstemschaal . Dial
Prijs:65€ No longer available
Erres doek natural
Prijs: 30€ per 30cm x 30cm.
Erres doek coloured
Prijs: 30€ per 25cm x 25cm.
Waved cloth Zenith
Prijs:25€ per 30cmx30cm/ 900cm2. For this console 60cm x 42 cm.= 65€. Excl. Shippin
Cloth 470 (1)
Prijs:15€ per 900cm2
Original dial unit Siera144A
Prijs:7 euro
Cloth 470 (2)
Prijs:15€ per 900cm2
Brown 470a cloth back
Prijs:15€ per 900cm2.
Brown 470A cloth front
Prijs:15€per 900cm2.
Original Philips 461A dial. Sold
50's and 60's striped speakercloth. SOLD OUT
Philips creme U radio's red cloth like for this BX290U
Prijs: 10€ per 20cmx15 cm (size of the BX290U cloth)
Gold speaker cloth
Prijs:No stock available.
Cloth 60
Prijs: 15€ per 900CM2
Original Philips dial
Cloth 63 (Back.)
Prijs: 12€ per 900cm2
Cloth 63
Prijs:12.00 per 900cm2
77 Back: Stripe speaker-cloth 60's Grundig : Black&Natural .Out of stock.
Prijs:out of stock.
77 Front: Stripe cloth 60's Grundig . Out of stock.
Prijs:Out of stock.
Dial 30's radio
Cloth 94
Prijs: 20€ per 900cm2.
Cloth 95
Prijs: 20€ per 900cm2
Cloth 96
Prijs: 20€ per 900cm2.
Cloth 97 .New Stock available !
Prijs:20€ per 900cm2 New stock available!
Originele schaal Philips " plankradio"
Cloth 100
Prijs: 10€ 900CM2
Cloth 101
Prijs: 12€ per 900CM2
Cloth 102
Prijs: 10€ per 900CM2
Original philips 735A dial
PHilips BX290U dial (creme and red version) Sold out !
Prijs:65€ .Not available
Grey 103 Vintage grill cloth.
Prijs: 10€ per 900cm2
Sand-Grey 103 Vintage grill cloth.
Prijs: 10€ per 900cm2
Brown 103 Vintage grill cloth.
Prijs: 10€ per 900cm2
Speaker Cloth 104 Vintage.
Prijs: 12€ per 900cm2
Speaker Cloth 105 Vintage.
Prijs: 12€ per 900CM2
Cloth 106
Prijs: 15€ per 900CM2
Cloth 107
Prijs: 15€ per 900CM2
Original Waldorp afstemschaal (Diamant serie)
Cloth 108
Prijs: 20€ per 900CM2
Cloth 109
Prijs: 12€ per 900cm2.
Cloth 110
Prijs: 12€ (17,5cm x 30cm).
Original flex dial Philips
Philips 260B auto-radio cloth
Prijs: 80 € euro Shippin included..
Redbrown fine cloth.
Prijs: 18€ per 28cm x 28cm. (only 1 available)
Cloth 1
Prijs: 12€ per 900cm2
Original flex dial Philips 525A SOLD !
Prijs:10€ SOLD
Cloth 3 Philips.
Prijs: 15€ per 900CM2
Doek 20 (50's 60's grill-cloth)
Prijs: 15€ per 900CM2
Cloth 21
Prijs: 30€ per 30cm x 30cm.
Cloth 22
Prijs: 18€ per 900cm2
Cloth 23. 60's
Prijs: 15€ per 900cm2
Cloth 50 : 50's 60's cloth
Prijs: 10€ per 900cm2
Wave cloth
Prijs: 30€ per 30cm x 30cm.
RGD dial
Prijs:On Request
Philips 930A/830A speakercloth gold
Prijs: 30€ per 30cm x 30cm.
930A/830A speakercloth brown
Prijs: 30€ per 30cmx30cm
Very open grill-cloth
Prijs: 18€ per 900cm2.
Philips 930A 830A grill-cloth
Prijs: 30€ (30cm x 30cm)
Philips B7X63A afstem-schaal /dial.
JAB Dial / Cadran
Prijs:On request
Sonoretta RV12 Dial
Poll :Philips 536A afstemschalen / dial
Knobs several 19. ( SIemens TM843 .. 853)
Prijs:On request
Oceanic Surcouf. BE (pushbutton version)
Prijs:On request
Knobs several 20
Prijs:2€ a.p.
Oceanic Surcouf F.M version
Prijs:On request
Oceanic surcouf . Yellow/blue version
Prijs:On request
Philips 752a
Telefunken Big-Ben dial
Bang & Olufson Beolit 39/40 dail
Prijs:On request.
Bang & Olufson Beolit 48 dial
Prijs:On request.
Bang & Olufson Grand Prix 505 K dial
Erres KY483 dial .
Ekco AC74 dial
Prijs:On request.
Mc.Michael 481AC dial
M.B.L.E. Stereo amplifier dial . (Sold out)
Prijs:Sold out.
S.N.R. Excelsior 52 dial. (Sold out)
Prijs:On request.Sold out
S.N.R Excelsior 55 dial. (Sold out)
Prijs:Sold out
Sonora 302 mirror dial (Sold out)
Prijs:Sold out.
Sonorette dial (Sold out)
Prijs:. Sold out
TELFA dial.
red/black dial
Prijs:On request.
Waldorp 46A Glass front
Radio speaker cloth exclusive Tie / Exclisieve stropdas
Prijs:45€ a piece excl shippin
N.o.s. dial type ?
Philips NX491V-01 /493 dial
Philips 470 A/U original dail. SOLD
N.O.S. Philips 554A original dial
Philips 735A original dial
Philips 900X original dial
Philips 907-773A original dial
Philips/NSF original dial
Philips BX370U, BX373A paper dial
Philips 2514, 2534 (and others) dial-strips .
Prijs:15€ per set.
Philips spoel / coil WE11061
Prijs: 4€
Vinyl doek .Philips Plano's
Prijs:Uitverkocht / out of stock at this moment !
Philips spoel / coil A3.115.72
Prijs: 4€
Philips 2511 (and others) dail-strips
Prijs:12€ a.p.
Neon bulb : GE NE45. Sold out
Prijs: Sold out
Philips spoel / coil A3.11 5.30
Prijs: 4€
6E5GT Magic eye
Prijs:38.00 euro a.p. N.O.S. magic eye tube : 6E5GT Only these 2 n.o.s tubes available
Philips spoel / coil A3.112.26
Prijs: 4€
Probe new caps
Prijs:7,50 a.p.
Philips spoel / coil .A3.115.76
Prijs: 4€
Philips spoel / coil A3.119.06
Prijs: 4€
Philips 658U dial
Philips BX690A/BX680A dial
Philips dial : 750A 802A 803A 667A 701AX 885AX and others..
Philips F7E 74-A dial
Philips 209U. Red dail, used on white cabinet 209U's
Prijs: 20€
Philips 209U. "Benelux" version dial
Philips 209U English version dial. Only 1 available
Prijs: 25€
Philips 209U-16 dial
Philips BX273U. Oker version dial
Philips BX274U. Red printed for white cabinet Philips114U.
Prijs:25€ New stock available !
Tesla 612A back & bottom panel
Philips philetta 260U dial
Philips 114U / BX274U dial
N.S.F H113U dial
Siera S104U dial
Philips KX574A dial Sold out !
Prijs:Sold out.
Philips BX281U dial
Philips BX462A dial. New stock i available !
Prijs:27€ New stock available !
Philips BX560A schaal / dial
Philips BX180U schaal/ dial & BX182U /BF183U
Philips BF381 cadran dail
Philips 206A dial
Prijs: 17,50€
Philips 208U dial : "Herrijzend Nederland"
Philips 208U Dial "Hilversum 1"
Philips BX272U dial
Philips BE-282-U dial
Prijs:On request
Marconi Co.: 706 TV Radio dial
RadioMarelli RD dial
Radialva green dial
Prijs: 25€
Radialva red dial
Prijs: 25€
Tesla 305U dial. Not in stock at this moment
Prijs:15€ Not in stock at this moment
Tesla 306U-308U dial
Tesla 307U dial
Tesla 306U dial
Female mainplug. Used on guitar amplifiers
Prijs:On request
Main plug male.
Prijs:2,50€ a.p.
Philips contra mainpower plug
Prijs: 20€ a.p.
Philips main plug
Prijs: 7€ a.p.
Philips U -radio / T.V contra stekker
Prijs: 17€ a.p.
Philips contra mains plug (plaat)
Prijs: 20€ a.p.
Philips contra stekker /mains plug (vierkant)
Prijs: 20€ a.p.
Philips omvormer unit plug. AC/DC unit plug
Prijs: 35€
Original Philips U.K. mains plug
Prijs: 7€ a.p.
Novak mains plug male
Prijs: 7€
Philips B5X63A radio O.T.L
BX135U achterwand / backpanel
Base panel Philips 141U
Prijs:On request
Philips BX462A achterwand.
Prijs:on request
Backpanel English Philips 462A
Prijs:On request
Philips Mazurka back-panel
Mains / Speakerplug
Prijs: 5€ a.p.
Philips Aachen-Super D45 - D45A Panel
Prijs:On request.
Philips Española 534U panel
Prijs:on request
6 core signal cable (microphone, telephone or remote-control)
Prijs:6€ per meter.
2 core main cable black. New Stock !
Prijs:4€ per meter. New stock !
Ariane Ambiance . basecover / Carton
Prijs:On request
2 core main cable brown
Prijs:4€ per meter.
3 core main cable black
Prijs:4€ per meter.
3 core main cable brown
Prijs:4€ per meter.
2 or 3 core main-cable gold
Prijs:4€ per meter
Clothed multy-core cable
Prijs:Ask us for price and possabillity's
2 aderig wit getwiste kabel / white 2 core twisted cable
Prijs:3,25€ per meter.
2 of 3 aderig getwist kabel / twisted 2 or 3 core Black
Prijs:3,25€ per meter.
2 of 3 aderig getwist kabel / twisted 2 or 3 core English-gold cable
Prijs:3,25€ per meter
2 of 3 aderig getwist kabel / twisted 2 or 3 core brown
Prijs:3,25€ per meter.
2 of 3 aderig goud getwist / 2 or 3 core gold twisted cable
Prijs:3,25€ per meter.
Erres KY136 achterwand / panel
Prijs:On request.
Panel Philips 738B
Prijs:On request
Philips BX190U back-panel
Philips BF101U
Prijs:On request.
Erres KY483
Philips BX370A
Prijs:On request.
Philips BX380A
Prijs:On request.
Tesla 308U
Tesla 306U
Philips 930A / 932A Hollande backpanel
Prijs:On request.
Philips 930A / 932A U.K. version.
Prijs:On request
Philips 936A
Prijs:On request
Philips 830A
Prijs:On request.
Philips 636A
Prijs:On request
Philips 334A
Prijs:On request
Philips 960AS
Prijs:On request
Philips 640A
Prijs:On request.
Philips 734A
Prijs:On request
Philips 835A
Prijs:On request.
Philips 936A Italian version
Prijs:On request
Philips 634A Italian version
Prijs:On request.
Philips RR XVI Radiorurale
Prijs:On request
Philips 874A
Philips 938AS
Prijs:On request
Philips 37A
Siera Super Six
Prijs:On request.
Philips 525 (A & U)
Prijs:On request.
Philips 839A
Prijs:On request.
Philips 832B
Prijs:On request.
Philips 37A 2nd
Prijs: 25€
Panel 210
Prijs:On request.
Panel 212
Prijs:On request.
B&O panel
Prijs:On request
Weerstand 7
Ekco AD65
Prijs:On request
B&O Hypérbo 3U
Prijs:on request
PHILCO 333 / 444 / A527 / back-panel
Prijs:Not in stock , made only on request.
Panel : Rückwand: Braun
Prijs:On request
Panel 209
Prijs:On request.
List with original back + base covers / ruckwand / panel/
Prijs:Here you can find many back and base covers that we have in stock.
Weerstand 9
Prijs:8€ a.p.
33) N.O.S. Potentiomer
EF93 Tube (N.O.S.)
Prijs:2.50 euro.
PCF200 tube (n.o.s)
Prijs:3.50 euro.
EF184 TUbe N.O.S.
Prijs:3.50 euro a.p.
EAA91 Tube/ Röhre N.O.S.
Prijs:3.00 euro a.p.
N.O.S: Lamp
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Ceramic risistor pipe
Prijs:3.00 euro
Station names for push buttons Philips Erres N.S.F
Prijs:5.00 euro per cart.
Basecover philips 2514
Prijs:20.00 euro.
Philips cabinet stands
Prijs:15.00 euro per 2 stuks.
UHF tuner unit
VHF/UHF HA 210 57001
Prijs:3.00 euro a.p
Schaalkoord veertjes / dail drive-cord tension springs
Prijs:1.00 euro a.p.
Radio kast voetjes
Prijs:2.50 euro a.p.
Binding post n.o.s. Last one.
Prijs:5€ last one in stock
Drive roll: Philips 3902 & Philips 952A. out of stock !
Prijs: 7.50 euro a.p. out of stock !
Knobs several 21
Prijs:Read discription
Knobs several 22. "Modern vintage" knobs
Prijs:1 € a.p.
Knobs several 23. .(Allso NX344V knobs)
Prijs:Read discription
Discbuttons AG 2009
Prijs:On request
Long adjustment buttons
Knobs several 24. Grundig knöpfe.
N.O.S. ITT Viola 103 Knöpfe
Little Philips knobs
Prijs:1,50€ a.p.
N.O.S Erres Knobs
Prijs: On request
Auto-radio knöpfe
Prijs:On request
New Quad 22 push-button: White & red striped . The last sets
Prijs: 65 € per set. (6 pieces)
New Quad 22 push-button: Red / white. Last sets
Prijs:65 € per set (6 pieces)
Tesla knobs
Prijs: 8 € a.p.
N.O.S transparant knoppen
Prijs:On request..
Knobs several 25. Philips n.o.s. knoppen.
Prijs:On request
Knobs several 26. Special Philips knobs
Prijs: 5€ a.p.
N.o.s. Knoppen BX 400/500
Prijs:On request
N.O.S. Knop philips BX200U
Prijs: 5 € per stuk
N.O.S. Philips vorkhendel. Lever knob
Prijs:12,50€ a.p.
N.O.S.Philips BX156U Schuifknop
Prijs: 20€ a.p.
N.O.S. Knobs and connectionpipeknobs
Prijs:On request
N.O.S. Philips knobs
Prijs:8€ a.p.
Knobs several 27. Special knobs.
Prijs:On request
Philips knobs standard
Prijs:See discription
N.O.S. Philips knobs several 370470
Prijs:On request
Philips 470 and other knobs
Prijs: 5€ a.p.
Push buttons for Philips 990X (sold out)
Prijs:sold out
Knobs several 28. ( 30's buttons front and back )
N.O.S.3 Philips knobs
Prijs:12,50€ a.p.
N.O.S. Philips 750A serie knobs. Sold
N.O.S. Philips 536a knob
Prijs:On request
Original complete n.o.s. knobset
Philips black 30's front knobs
Prijs:13 € a.p.
Philips brown 30's front knobs.
Prijs:13 € a.p.
Small philips knob 30's
Prijs:12.50 € a.p.
Philips knobs small Philetta.
Prijs:On reqeust.
Set Philips NX 491V origninal knobs
Prijs:on request.
Knobs: Erres and Amroh
Prijs:4€ a.p.
Knobs several 29. ( Philips knobs 50/60's )
Prijs:On request.
Knops: red & black. 3 sizes
Prijs:1€ a.p..
Ekco knobs
Prijs:20€ a.piece.
Ekco knobs. Sold out
Ekco plated knobs . 1 in stock
Prijs:20 € a.p..
Knob set Philips BX310A BX 320A and others (sold)
Knobs several 30. ( Druktoetsjes / pushbuttons )
Prijs:on request
Knobs several 31. ( N.o.s. Druktoetsen / pushbuttons small )
Prijs: 4 € a.p.
Knobs several 32. ( Druktoetsen / Pushbuttons )
Prijs: 2€ a.p. i.c.m 3 other knops
Knobs several 33. ( Philips knobs for Sagitta 411 / 421 / 453
Prijs:On request.
Philips knobs selection 1
Prijs:on request.
Philips knobs selection 2
Prijs:on request.
Philips knobs selection 3
Prijs:on request.
Philips knobs selection 4
Prijs:on request.
Philips knobs selection 5
Prijs:on request.
Philips knobs selection 6
Prijs:on request.
Philips knobs selection 7
Prijs:On request.
Philips knobs selection 8
Prijs:5€ a.p..
Philips knobs selection 9
Prijs:On request
Philips knobs selection 10
Prijs:On request.
Philips knobs selection 11
Prijs:5€ a.p.
Philips knobs selection 12
Prijs:5€ a.p.
New Philips knop used for BX290u and other radio's
Prijs:7.00 euro. a.p.
Philips BX290U knob
Prijs:7 € a.p
Original wave-lenght knob Philips.(sold)
Prijs:20.00 euro.
Knobs several 1
Prijs:on request.
Knobs several 2
Prijs:on request
Knobs several 3
Prijs:on request.
Knobs several 4
Prijs:on request.
Knobs several 5
Prijs:on request.
Knobs several 6
Prijs:on request
Knobs several 7
Prijs:on request.
Knobs several 8
Prijs:on request.
Knobs several 9
Prijs:on request.
Knobs several 10
Prijs:on request.
Philips radio 667A
Philips?mullard related radio
Philips 206A
Philips 640A
Philips radio "The Sun"
Radio's for sale
Prijs:On request
Cloth Aachen .
Telefunken knöpfe 2
Telefunken knöpfe 2
Drivecord black 1 mm
Prijs:5€ per 5 meter
Drivecord black 1 mm
Prijs:5€ per 5 meter
Contra mainsplug Philips. Not deliverabel at this moment.
Prijs:Not deliverable at this moment.
Greatz main-plug netz-stecker
Prijs: 12€
Philips main-power- plug T.V
Prijs: 18€
Contra stekker. recht
Prijs: 10€
Philips original mainpower plug.
Prijs: on request (only for selling export outside Holland)
Contra Telefunken mains plug.
Prijs: 18€
Contra stecker. mains plug
Prijs: 10€ a.p.
Male contra mains-plug
Prijs: 8€ a.p.
SABA contra-stecker
Prijs: 10€ a.p.
Socket 45. X sold
Prijs:5.00 euro
Socket 44. Sold
Prijs:5.00 euro . Sold
Socket 43 Sold
Socket 42
Prijs:5.00 euro
Socket 40
Prijs:5.00 euro
Socket 39
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 38 X sold
Prijs:6.00 euro.
Socket 37
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 36
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 35
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 34
Prijs:7.00 euro a.p.
Socket 33
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 32
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 31
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 30
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 29
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 28
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 27
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 26
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 25
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 24
Prijs:5.00 euro .a.p.
Socket 23
Prijs:8.00 euro .
Socket 22
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 21
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 19
Prijs:6.00 euro
Socket 18
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 17
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 16
Prijs:8.00 euro .
Socket 15 Sold
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 14
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 13
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 12
Prijs:7.00 euro a.p.
Socket 11
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 10
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 9
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 8
Prijs:7.00 euro.
Socket 7
Prijs:8.00 euro a.p.
Socket 6
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 5
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 4
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 3
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 2
Prijs:5.00 euro a.p.
Socket 1
Prijs:5.00 euro .a.p.